Well, as before, the morning was pretty uneventful. I just had classes. However, I did get a quiz back that I took yesterday in Norwegian Language class and I did very well. I feel like I've really learned a lot in a week and a half.
After lunch, I signed up to go on a guided walk along the Aker River (a small river that cuts Oslo in half -- East & West). The tour as a whole was very interesting and the man who led the tour was most definitely one of the most interesting people I've ever met. His name was Heinz and one of the first things he told us was "I'm offended by any ketchup jokes, however, I am the 58th variety." He led us along the river at a snail's pace providing commentary along the way interlaced with some colorful stories from the "olden days" and his own personal jokes.

After the tour and after dinner, Brady & I went to see a movie at Chateau Neuf (sort of the student union building) called "Et Rigtigt Menneske." This was a Danish film about a family in the modern day. A couple had a young girl named Lisa who talked to her brother in the wall of their home. We later find out that the parents had previously had an abortion and Lisa thinks that she is talking to her "big brother." The family gets in a car accident and Lisa dies. After the parents move to a new building and their previous building is torn down, we see a man emerging out of the ruble of their previous apartment building. We found out that he is supposed to be the aborted brother living in the wall. He goes out into the world knowing nothing and finding himself in some predicaments. I enjoyed the movie and I thought it had some interesting messages about society. It was a little strange though.
Finally, we went to a different area in Chateau Neuf where we watched the second half of the Germany-Spain World Cup match before walking back to campus.
Now, I must go to sleep so I can be rested for another long day.
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